Monday, 14 November 2011

RSC Assisit

JISC Regional Support Centre West Midlands is giving learning providers the opportunity to apply for free, extended support in an area of their choice, through the RSC Assist project. What are the benefits?RSC Assist enables you to work with a member of the RSC team for up to a day in planning your project and benefiting from advice and expertise, as well as a limited amount of training, if applicable. You retain control of the task in hand, but will be able to call on the support of your nominated advisor throughout.
On completion, you will work with your RSC e-learning advisor to produce a brief case study or best practice guide, which outlines the outcomes and any lessons learned, for the benefit of other learning providers.
Choosing your projectThe project should be a priority for your organisation and be achievable within a 3 month period, with a measurable, tangible outcome. Applications will be assessed against their relevance to the RSC remit, wider interest in the topic and available RSC staff expertise.
The priority support areas for 2011/12 are:
- E-safety- Learner Voice- Technology for Learning- Business Processes- Network Management- Shared Services- Staff Development - Strategic Development- Digital Literacy- Procurement
How to applyIf you’d like to take part in the RSC Assist project, please complete the application form, which is available online at: can also discuss your project idea with a member of the RSC team, prior to applying – please get in touch.
Once your application has been submitted, we will contact you with a decision, based on current workload and the suitability of the topic for the project.