Thursday 14 February 2008

E- Portfolios

There has been tremendous debate regarding the use of e-portfolios within education, the use of e portfolios is raising questions which can only be answered with time and experince. Many questions I have heared being disscused include:

How would I use e portfolio to commuincate with my learner?

Will other e- learning tools do the same job?

Are e- portfolios a priority?

Becta state 'Priority 2 of the e-strategy is to 'ensure integrated online personal support for learners'. There is an action to 'provide a personalised learning space for every learner that can encompass a personal portfolio', and a milestone to make a 'personalised learning space with the potential to support e-portfolios available to every school [and college] by 2007-08.'

This is an interesting statement however for practitioner’s to see the real value of the e portfolio then we need more positive examples of how they are being used. Here are a few examples to have a look at.

If you have any examples of how e portfolios are being used, please add a comment to the blog and let the region share your experiences.

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