On completion, you will work with your RSC e-learning advisor to produce a brief case study or best practice guide, which outlines the outcomes and any lessons learned, for the benefit of other learning providers.
Choosing your projectThe project should be a priority for your organisation and be achievable within a 3 month period, with a measurable, tangible outcome. Applications will be assessed against their relevance to the RSC remit, wider interest in the topic and available RSC staff expertise.
The priority support areas for 2011/12 are:
- E-safety- Learner Voice- Technology for Learning- Business Processes- Network Management- Shared Services- Staff Development - Strategic Development- Digital Literacy- Procurement
How to applyIf you’d like to take part in the RSC Assist project, please complete the application form, which is available online at: http://bit.ly/o0LKytYou can also discuss your project idea with a member of the RSC team, prior to applying – please get in touch.
Once your application has been submitted, we will contact you with a decision, based on current workload and the suitability of the topic for the project.
Choosing your projectThe project should be a priority for your organisation and be achievable within a 3 month period, with a measurable, tangible outcome. Applications will be assessed against their relevance to the RSC remit, wider interest in the topic and available RSC staff expertise.
The priority support areas for 2011/12 are:
- E-safety- Learner Voice- Technology for Learning- Business Processes- Network Management- Shared Services- Staff Development - Strategic Development- Digital Literacy- Procurement
How to applyIf you’d like to take part in the RSC Assist project, please complete the application form, which is available online at: http://bit.ly/o0LKytYou can also discuss your project idea with a member of the RSC team, prior to applying – please get in touch.
Once your application has been submitted, we will contact you with a decision, based on current workload and the suitability of the topic for the project.