Friday 26 February 2010

E- learning and CPD

Can e-learning inform CPD, whilst on my visits to Learning Providers I am constantly being told that budgets have been cut for staff development and that CPD is now mostly internal with training being delivered by members of staff .

Staff development with e learning now requires you to be update with every piece of technology, know how to use all the latest gadgets and somehow pass this information to all of my colleagues regardless of whether they require the information or not. Can e-learning be a focus for CPD and can I make difference with my constant battle to know !more e stuff!

I came across a document on the e- learning centers website, that has helped me to re -think if how e- learning can be a driver for CPD and does being reflective make things 'better'. Even though Jim Floods article was written in 2002 this still seems really poignant for me today. He highlights some of the problems faced in Colleges in 2002 and I only have to think about our own journey we have travelled at the RSC to see that answer to the questions as Jim states is 'YES'

Our online conference in May this year focus on the journey of the RSC and Learning Providers over the last 10 years. This conference will show some effective practice and startling journeys keep a look on our website for the conference details.

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